Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hey! Look at a cute picture of us at a wedding last summer!

The one where I learn all about ankle monitors

I never knew I'd learn so very much about ankle monitors.

For example, did you know that for minors, ankle monitors are on timers? (This might be true for grown ups, too?) As in, from 8 am until 3:30 pm, the ankle monitor must be at school or else it goes off. And exactly at 3:30, the monitor must be on its way home or else it goes off. And it has to stay at home until 8 am the next day or else it goes off. I always thought house arrest meant house arrest.

So because of this timer issue, basically, if you are on house arrest, you can't stay after school for detention or tutoring without making special arrangements with your probation officer. Ironically, kids on house arrest are probably most in need of staying for tutoring and with the most detentions.

Also, it is most fashionable to wear ankle monitors with shorts and black socks, I guess so everyone can SEE your ankle bracelet.

Seemingly every urban high schooler knows (or at least claims to know) how to disable an ankle monitor. Not sure why the kid is still wearing the monitor if that is the case, but he will swear up and down that he could take it off if he wanted to. I guess they just wear it for kicks?

Finally, ankle monitors are run on batteries which are most likely to run out right in the middle of math class (this has happened TWICE in two weeks with two different kids!). It's official, America's justice system hates math.

So now you know.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


  • This week, we bought a new (to us) car. It only took us about two hours, which was shocking to both Richard and me. As we sat in the CarMax cubicle signing the last papers, Richard whispered to me, "Wow. This IS the way car buying should be!"
  • In other news, Richard got his black belt in Tae Kwon Do this week! So you should know, if you didn't think Richard could take you before, he can definitely take you now. Unless you're a black belt, too. Then it might be a little less one-sided.
  • Finally, I fussed at a kid this week and embarrassed him in front of the whole class for what I thought was a cell phone going off repeatedly in class, but was actually a malfunctioning ANKLE MONITOR. They don't train you in how to deal with these things in your credential classes.
  • Richard has Spring Break this week, but mine is in five more weeks (not that I'm counting or anything).