Wednesday, May 5, 2010

This week is shaping up to be a wee bit stressful. Richard is still furiously typing his paper (due tomorrow morning, thank God!), and I am trying desperately to get everything on my to do list done before the weekend. Or tomorrow night, rather, as that is when our weekend starts this week. AND then, Charlie began acting rather strangely last night- which resulted in a stressful night followed by an even more stressful morning. The good news is, we already had a vet appointment for today (originally for routine vaccinations, but now commandeered by mystery illness/injury) so it's not like I have one MORE thing to do.

But what I REALLY wanted to talk about today was my love/hate relationship with Facebook. On the one hand, I appreciate Facebook's stalker-but-not-in-a-creepy-way-because-we're-friends! capability. I like getting back in touch with old friends and family that live far away. And also knowing what's going on in people's lives without actually having to talk to them.

What are your favorite/least favorite aspects of Facebook?

On the other hand, I loathe all Facebook apps (Farmville, I'm looking at you) and their never-ending notifications and wall posts (I don't care that you just planted imaginary potatoes in your imaginary field). More than that, though, I get extremely irritated when people use Facebook as a platform for what I think are "discussion" topics- namely politics and religion. These are both topics I (sometimes) enjoy discussing, but Facebook isn't about a discussion- it's about a soapbox. So, if you talk about either with any regularity, you have a one-way ticket to Sarah's "ignore" list. Just like a person on a physical soapbox, you have the right to say whatever you want, but I have the right to walk away.

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