Friday, August 14, 2009

One nice thing about moving is that you get a fresh start. Everything is newly cleaned, arranged, and organized. No one knows you yet, and no one knows your vices. You can change- your home and your life. It's like a New Year, but better because something has already changed.

Rich and I have been exploiting this to the fullest, and we are trying to start some new habits and drop some old habits. No, we're not giving up watching overly dramatic, angsty teen soaps (season four of Dawson's Creek anyone? We'll be watching a few episodes tonight!), but we are trying to change our lifestyle. I am cooking healthier, lighter food, and we are actually exercising. Our apartment complex has an awesome gym, and the best part is, it's just a one minute walk from our front door.

On Wednesday night, I decided to make pizza- a favorite at our house. I used to make pizza every Friday night, but then we started getting busy, and then I started getting lazy. Homemade pizza crust is much easier than it sounds, but one does have to plan ahead to let it rise. Anyway, we were having pizza with peppers and onions. I ran into some issues with the crust, and finally decided to use ALL of the dough instead of the typical half of the dough. We ended up with a deep dish pizza- which apparently Richard likes better anyway. It was pretty tasty, but after a while, Rich and I both started feeling pretty icky. Turns out, splurging on something so heavy after eating so light for several weeks is more of a punishment than a treat. I guess maybe we really are changing?


  1. I'm glad the move to CA seemed to have gone smoothly. To bad I never got my act together to visit you guys before you left TX. I guess Sean and I will have to figure out some way to go to CA some day. And, Happy Anniversary!! Love you both. - Sarah

  2. Sarah,
    You definitely have to come visit! The Newton Inn is open year round. I missed you at Rachel's wedding, and I wish we could have hung out before we left. I'm glad to know somebody's reading this thing. :)
