Monday, June 14, 2010

The Office, but not that one.

I've fallen off the proverbial "Room-a-Month" wagon, but I think I caught up this weekend. While Richard was out of town, I decided to rearrange furniture in nearly every room in our home. Because I'm smart like that, and I think flirting with lower back injuries is fun.

I didn't mention this plan to Richard, who would have probably freaked the heck out imagining me sliding 6 foot tall bookcases across the floor. So when he came home, he had several nice surprises.

The first surprise was his office. When we moved in, we used our second bedroom as a guest room/office. Which was fine for a while. But with the addition of a third (!) bookshelf (and a desperate need for another bookshelf), the room was feeling a wee bit crowded and not really all that relaxing for our guests. Here are some "before" pictures that don't really do justice to how crowded that room really is.

Rich and I had been talking about moving his office out to the empty, unused garage for several weeks now. The garage is actually bigger than this room, offers a place away from the distractions of the house, has a pleasant climate about 99 days out of 100, and was empty (mostly). So I surprised him (by not making him move all of that stuff himself). Here are the fruits of my labor.

It's not the most beautiful space, but it is very functional and has plenty of space for when we decide to finally take the plunge, and buy another bookshelf. We plan to cover up the storage shelves with a curtain at some point in the future, as well.

You don't even want to know how many trips it took to get all of these books out to the garage. Or how long it took to organize them.


  1. Nice work!! I can't believe you moved all that yourself. :)

  2. I LOVE it! I'm guessing you probably need a back massage about now! Did Richard give you one in thanks? :D

  3. Now I want to come stay in your guest room...
