Saturday, January 8, 2011

A blog post two days in a row! Clearly, I'm not back at work yet.

I took a Calculus test today. If someone had told me even a year ago (much less when I was in high school) that I would ever be using Calculus again, I would have laughed in that person's face. Isn't life crazy?

But hey, really, calculus is much easier as an adult. In high school, I always thought it was stupid and just memorizing a bunch of formulas. And I still think that a little bit, but now I understand why these formulas work and what they actually mean.

I think when I was younger, I thought I was as smart as I would ever be. But now I know I am SO much smarter than I was back then. More than anything, I have learned how to think critically better. And so, learning calculus (again) hasn't exactly been fun, but it also hasn't been as miserable as one might think.

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