Thursday, September 3, 2009

Well, another California first today. I walked outside this morning only to discover a lovely flat tire! Here's the crazy part, though. Even though I know, in theory, how to change a flat tire, I've never actually done it before (before today, that is). Every time I've had a flat tire, some kind person (every time it's been a man) has stopped and offered to help. And every time I politely refuse, they insist. Even the time I had a flat tire on the side of the road at midnight with my trunk full of groceries. True story. This morning, no one stopped to even offer help. Granted, I was in the apartment complex and not on the side of the road, but still, I was a bit shocked. I think 20-30 cars drove by while I was changing the tire! So, while people are certainly friendly in CA, the commandment to go out of your way to help a stranger (even at an inconvenience to yourself) is missing. The good news is I can change a tire after all! Great life skill.

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