Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It's been a few days, and even now I'm just popping in to mention what a lovely weekend we had.

Our friend, Kate, stayed with us for the weekend because our other friend, Rachel, was getting married. We had a great time with Kate, catching up, reminiscing, and making new memories. The wedding was beautiful and the reception was fabulous. For all of you freshman year Bible Study gals who couldn't make it- you missed the official BS dance to Dolly Parton... It was just the three of us hopping around on the dance floor, singing "He's Gonna Marry Me!" Debbie, Rachael, Tiffany, Lindsay, and Sarah- you would have all loved it!

Then on Sunday night, my brother, Andrew, stopped by on his way to Houston. We visited the Dallas Museum of Nature and Science, which was clearly targeted to a younger audience- I think it would have been perfect for a five year old. But we did learn a lot about spies and vomiting. Then we went to see "UP." I had seen it in Taos, but I loved seeing it again! Needless to say, Rich and Andrew liked it, too.

Tonight we are going to see Harry Potter at 12:01 because we are dorks. But we're not standing in line all day if that makes it any better- we plan on arriving around 11:00. Our theater is showing it on every single screen, and since we like sitting on the front row anyway, we figured it doesn't really matter when we get there. Famous last words, right?!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad the wedding was a blast. I wish I could have been there to partake in the dancing! Sean and I saw HP6 at midnight too. It was fun, but I think midnight showings are best with a group of friends. I hope all is well.
