Friday, July 24, 2009

Plan for the next two days

1) Finish and turn in thesis revisions to all committee members. Give self a gold star for excellence.
2) Return all 200+ library books to Bridwell. Huff and puff when lugging the GIANT rolling suitcase up the library steps. Hope the head librarian is working the front desk of the library. Try not to smirk when the desk attendant sighs at all the work I've created.*
3) Finish packing all remaining household items. Hopefully just 2-3 boxes?
4) Go to the bank, and get a money order for the apartment deposit.
5) Start meticulously cleaning the entire house, top to bottom.
6) Revise the road plan. Print out said road plan (before packing the printer, please), and put it in the VERY IMPORTANT papers file.
7) Get a VERY IMPORTANT papers file. Just for kicks, make a copy of it, and put it somewhere you'll never find it.
8) Go through all the remaining papers on the desk (including no longer necessary apartment brochures).
9) Finish getting all the camping gear together.
10) Take apart beds, and lay the mattresses on their sides.
11) Saran wrap all doors/drawers shut on the furniture. Maybe wait on this one.
12) Give all the food that we cannot take with us to someone else. Anyone want about 100 half used jars of assorted condiments? Decide whether or not to incur the ire of Richard's Aunt Alma by giving away the half eaten jar of apple butter (with the jar and ring intact!).
13) Freak out only once about having no job lined up. Then get over it.
14) Try to avoid getting excited about the book club at the public library in CA. Stop searching the library's online catalog "just to see what they have."
15) Catch up with all our friends in the Dallas area.
16) Try and get a couple of hours of sleep, at least.

*It's not that I dislike the library workers- I like most of them a whole lot. But Bridwell has screwed me over one too many times for me to feel anything but glee at the prospect of causing THEM some discomfort. There is one specific policy, on which they refuse to budge, which has created SO MUCH unnecessary work in my life, so no mercy from me. Remind me to tell you about the time the head librarian told me I had racked up over $25,000 in library fines. With a straight face.

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