Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Month 1: Master Bathroom, before

So, I promised an update on my room a month challenge, but another project I'm working on got in the way. When I found out Amanda (my sister) was pregnant, I offered to make her custom bedding for the nursery. It turns out that making a quilt is rather time consuming. I don't want to post pictures yet, but here's a sneak peak, chalk lines and all.

Okay, on to the bathroom! The master bathroom in our new apartment is substantially bigger than the one at our old apartment.

Honestly, this has been more of a curse than a blessing, as our smaller bathroom required that we stick to some very strict organization. In this bathroom, we had so much more space, I didn't organize things quite as well. For example, our old vanity was less than half of the size of this new one.

When we moved in, I remember telling my mom on the phone, "We'll never be able to fill up all of the space under the sink!" Oh how the mighty have fallen.

We also have a rather unruly medicine cabinet. I hate mirrored medicine cabinets. How does one keep a mirror clean if there are new fingerprints every morning?! Whose dumb idea were these things?

We also have some little cubbies right next to the shower. Rich and I each have a cubby and the third is used for washcloths.

The baskets work great for hiding our stuff, but black baskets on tan paint means a big mess.

The last area I plan to spruce up is this shelf. It sits right next to the shower, opposite the toilet. The top shelf is used to store towels, and the bottom shelf is used to store, well, whatever else I put there. Little known fact about us: when we got married, if we already had something, we didn't register for it. Since we already had fully functioning (albeit non-matching) towels, we decided to just keep them. I often regret that decision, especially when I'm faced with this view. Sadly, new towels aren't in the budget for this little spruce up.

So here's the plan.

1. The shower curtain is in perfect condition, but I'm tired of looking at it all the time. So, I'm going to switch this shower curtain with the one in the guest bathroom.

2. I'm going to add shelf paper to the cubbies, after scrubbing them well, to prevent any further damage.

3. Reorganize under the sink. It's really not that messy under there- it just looks crazy!

4. Add some hidden storage to the bookshelf in the form of a big basket on the lower shelf. This basket will house all of Charlie's stuff (from the other bathroom).

5. Add accessories and artwork to tie the whole room together.


  1. The quilt picture looks beautiful! I LOVE the yellow and purple. :) When you are done organizing your house, you can come do mine.

  2. As if your house even needs organizing!
