Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It's kind of scary when the kids I tutor don't understand my pop culture references- because they weren't alive. Or when they don't remember pivotal national events because they were either too young when it happened or not alive yet. This is one way I can tell I'm getting old. Also, when they tell me I am a "cool old person." Yikes. Send me to the nursing home now.

I can also tell I'm getting older because I can tell exactly where I'll have wrinkles in about 10 years. I've been having kind of insane dreams the past few nights, and I guess I've been scowling all night because I wake up with huge wrinkles on my forehead and between my eyes. Signs of things to come, I guess.

What about you? What are the signs that you are getting older?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hey! I passed the second set of tests I took recently. So, yes, I am smarter than a fifth grader.

Richard is working his fingers to the bone typing his final papers for exams, and I am working like a dog because AP tests are next week, and everyone decided that they need last minute reviews.

Last night, I had a fun trip down memory lane as I helped a student identify and define incredibly minute parts of a fetal pig. I remember when I was in high school, I felt like I would never need to know what a sternocleidomastoid muscle is. Turns out, I was wrong (sort of). I mean, it's not like I bust out muscle names in every day life, but I have used it again. So, thanks, Mrs. Fabian, for making me learn this stuff. Sorry I was such a jerk about that white board review game.

I also wonder- has the fetal pig become the new frog? What did you have to dissect in high school?

Thursday, April 22, 2010


I changed the layout yesterday! Sort of. In a very minor way. I added a list of friends and family whose blogs I read (don't fool yourself into thinking I only read blogs of people I know). You can find it right over there ------------------------>.

If for some reason you are on that list buy DON'T want to be, let me know. If you're not there, but for some unknown reason, you wish you were, you can tell me that too. And you'll be guaranteed one more person lurking on your blog, reading all about your life!

Also, on an unrelated note, Charlie often makes my heart pitter-patter with his cuteness. He is able to recognize the sound of our car and scooter, and he is always waiting when one of us pulls up. The other day, Charlie and I were walking on the college campus, and Richard drove by on the scooter. Charlie completely freaked out, insisting that we follow that sound! right now! He was utterly perplexed why we were walking the other way when Richard was going that way. Kills me.

Does this picture make my nose look big?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

One of the nice *bonuses* of my job is that I get to think about what I will/won't let my (hypothetical, maybe one day) children do. Turns out, I would totally let my kid get body piercings (as they are reversible), but I'd make them wait until they were 18 to get a tattoo. Rich and I are on the same page here. So future, hypothetical, and non-existent children, you've got it here in writing.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

This week I...

This week I...
  • Successfully cooked every meal I planned to cook. (A major accomplishment, people!)
  • Found out I passed two tests.
  • Attended a recruiting meeting for a local school district's intern program.
  • Set up an interview with said district.
  • Got the oil changed in our car.
  • Found out the car needs new tires. Sigh.
  • Discovered I did our taxes wrong last year (whoops!)- and the IRS didn't like it. That's what happens when you have 8 W-2's, scholarship income (some of which is taxable, and some of which isn't), and other non-taxable income. I wish we just had normal jobs sometimes!
  • Exercised nearly every day.
  • Gave up dusting in pursuit of more enjoyable tasks.
  • Went to the library, and checked out new books.
  • Found out that Richard got an Honorable Mention from the Ford Foundation for his grant application. (Sadly, honorable mention does not come with a cash prize, but still- a HUGE honor.)
  • Did not go to the pool even once. Sadness.
This was a really busy week around these parts, but it was a good one. Some huge successes, including hope for the future. I really like my life.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Richard saw this video the other day and has since taken to calling me "FLOTUS." Swoon.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Tap, tap.... Is this thing on? What? I still have a blog?

I received some rather good news today: I passed those math tests I took a while back! This is good because I had already decided that if I passed the tests, it would be a sign that I was doing the right thing. I guess if I'd passed one and failed one, it would have been a sign I was sort of doing the right thing.

As excited as I am, it does kind of irk me that I passed these tests because what does that say about who they let become math teachers? I mean, I studied, but I haven't taken math since my senior year in high school (that's EIGHT years ago if anyone is counting). YIKES. You people are desperate.

Monday, April 5, 2010

We had a pretty exciting weekend around here.

First, we got to experience our first wide awake earthquake- and it was a little scary. Nothing fell, and there was no structural damage here, but the doors and blinds were swinging all over the place.

Second, my sister had her baby! Annive Maura Ardill was born this morning around 2:45. She is tiny- 5 lbs, 7 oz, 17 3/4 inches long- and everyone says she looks just like Amanda (I agree from the pictures). Amanda and Annive are both doing well!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

My sister is home from the hospital, off bed-rest and anti-contraction meds, but she hasn't had a baby yet! That means she's gotten to get a few things done, including this! Go check out the completed (I think?) nursery on her blog.