I recently went to Houston for Christmas (so fun) and nearly everyone I saw commented on the dearth of blog posts as of late. Sadly, everything in my life has died since becoming a teacher, including this blog. But hey, whatever. Here's a post just for you! Buckle in, because it's long.
1) What did you do in 2010 that you'd never done before?
Spring: I took two math tests (after a ridiculous amount of time without math in my life) and passed! Hey-o!
Summer: I spent many, many days at this summer at the beach. I also wore a dress almost every day.
Fall: Uh, I became a teacher! Also, I spent Thanksgiving with someone other than my family. Bittersweet, that one.
Winter: I let my dog influence my Christmas travel plans. I am one of THOSE people.
2) Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make any for this year?
I honestly don't remember my New Year's resolutions from last year, but maybe that Room-a-Month thing? So, no. FAIL.
This year, my New Year's resolution is to maintain some semblance of balance in my life (as teaching has taken over a bit).
To that end, I quit my tutoring job to free up one night a week.
I also plan to cook at least one night a week (you read that right), not kill any more plants, and to get back on the exercise wagon.
3) Did anyone you are close with give birth?
Yes! About a jillion people I know had babies in 2010. At the top of that list is my sister, who gave birth to my niece, the standard by which all babies are judged.
4) Did anyone close to you die?No one close to me died this year.
5) What countries did you visit?
Sadly, I didn't visit any other countries this year. Unless you count Texas. And if you do, I don't know if we can be friends anymore.
6) What would you like in 2010 that you lacked in 2011?
Again, with the BALANCE thing.
7) What dates from 2010 will remain etched on your memory, and why?
April 5- my niece's birthday
September 13- my first day as a teacher (As I went to write this one down, I put the wrong date down. So, maybe not after all).
8) What was your biggest achievement of the year?
My biggest set of achievements culminated in finally signing my contract with LAUSD. That was a saga I would not soon relive.
Also, learning all 250 of my student's names.
9) What was your biggest failure?
Letting my plants, relationships, and cooking habits die when I started working full time. Being a grownup is hard! I did manage to keep my dog alive, though! (Probably only because Richard was around, though.)
10) Did you suffer illness or injury?
I was sick TWICE at the beginning of the school year, which for me is the equivalent of having the Black Plague. I am NEVER sick.
11) What was the best thing you bought?
I'd have to say a lap desk (given to me for Christmas by Richard). It has increased my productivity immensely.
12) Whose behavior merited celebration?
Richard's. Richard has always encouraged me to pursue my dreams, and he was right there with me as a struggled with facing up to what some of those dreams really are. He let me know it was okay to do what I want- regardless of what others might think or that it meant doing something I swore I'd NEVER do. He's listened to me gripe and complain; he's picked up slack as I became sucked into work and he's never once complained. AND he's sooo smart and successful in his own work. Richard ROCKS, people.
13) Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Exhibits 1 and 2: My fourth and sixth period Algebra 1 classes. It turns out, 9th graders are rowdy (to put it nicely).
And of course, my own at times.
14) Where did most of your money go?
Our lovely apartment. Housing in CA is expensive. What You Get for the Money don't kid!
Also, gas.
Ironically, our apartment looks NOTHING like this anymore!
15) What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Making my niece's quilt. My niece's birth. Going to Houston in April. Hanging out with Richard at the beach all summer. Getting accepted to the alternative certification program I'm in. Getting a job offer. Signing my contract. The first day of school. Thanksgiving Break and seeing old friends. Christmas break!!!
16) What song will always remind you of 2010?
Probably "Bulletproof" by La Roux. I listened to that song A LOT on the train to downtown.
Also, "California Gurls" by Katy Perry. Did they play that song everywhere else as much as it was played here!?
17) Compared to this time last year are you:
a. Happier or Sadder? Happier.
b. Thinner or fatter? Probably about the same, but slightly fatter.
c. Richer or poorer? Richer. See "getting a full-time job."
18) What do you wish you'd done more of?
Spending time with friends.
Chilling out and believed that everything would work out. (Though if I'd chilled out a little more, maybe it wouldn't have.)
Saving more money.
19) What do you wish you'd done less of?
Freaking out over my job.
Killing plants. I am so bummed all of my plants are dead.
20) How did you spend Christmas?
Christmas day was spent with Rich's parents opening presents, napping, eating dinner, and going to see True Grit. I also mastered my impression of Mattie Ross from True Grit. Ask Richard, it is awesome.
"Fake Christmas" was spent with my parents watching the baby open presents (she is slow), eating, and enjoying the chaos that is a full house of people and dogs.
21) Did you fall in love in 2010?
I was already in love going into 2010, but I really do enjoy being married to Richard. I love that man more with every year, and, not to be too schmoopy, I am so glad to be with him.
22) What was your favorite TV program?
2010 was the year of some serious Netflix-ing in the Harville-Newton household. This year we LOVED:
- Dexter
- The West Wing
- Eureka
- It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
- The O.C. (sad, but true)
- Friday Night Lights (get Rich to sing you the theme song for this one!)
- The Wire
- Big Bang Theory
- Six Feet Under
- Tudors
- McCleod's Daughters (Man, I was sad when this show got weird)
We watched virtually no TV on the actual television.
23) Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate last year?
Only people I didn't know yet last year. (Kidding!! Sort of.)
24) What was the best book you read?
Not sure what the best book I read was, but the last book I read was The Quilter's Apprentice by Jennifer Chiaverini. Total blather, but really fun to read!
The worst book I read was Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions. Blech.
25) What was your greatest musical discovery?
Probably Pandora Radio. I know I'm behind the times, but man I love Pandora.
26) What political issue stirred you the most?
This isn't a political blog, but I'll mention a couple.
Don't Ask, Don't Tell. I still don't understand quite understand why anyone cares about anyone else's sexual preference. I mean I get it, but, really?
The midterm elections in California. I'm so, so glad that money doesn't always buy you an office.
And of course, Prop 19. Just kidding. I could care less about that one.
27) Who did you miss?
This year, I realized how much I miss being close enough to Houston to pop in for a weekend visit. I miss being able to do the small things.
Also, I miss my Dallas knitting group. And our Abrams neighbors. While I hated Dallas, I sure liked living there!
28) Who was the best new person you met?
My team teacher, who is awesome in so many ways. She goes along with my crazy ideas and tells great stories about the men she meets through E-harmony. Also, Richard will forever love her for pointing is toward a fabulous dim-sum restaurant.
I met a lot of awesome new people this year, though!
29) What was a valuable lesson you learned in 2010?
It's okay to do something you swore up and down you'd never do (even if it means you are who your parents said you'd be some day). I promised myself I would NEVER EVER be a teacher- no matter what. I've realized this year that it's okay to have a life that is not "glamorous" to someone on the outside looking in (um, when was my life EVER glamorous?). What really matters is that you are happy with the life you are living. What seemed terrible and boring when I was a teenager is actually a-ok as a semi-adult. And that's alright. I was wrong about most things as a teenager.
Also, breaking into tears often means better service!
30) Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
Her: Alabama, Arkansas I do love my ma and pa
Not that way that I do love you
Him: Holy moley, me oh my
You're the apple of my eye
Girl, I've never loved one like you
Her: Man, oh man, you're my best friend
I scream it to the nothingness
There ain't nothing that I need
Him: Well, hot and heavy, pumpkin pie
Chocolate candy, Jesus Christ
Ain't nothing please me more than you
Both: Ah, home Let me go home
Home is wherever I'm with you
Ah, home Let me go home
Home is wherever I'm with you